30 May 2008

Twist and Shout for Cinnamon Twists

I became a seasoned baker by the age of around ten, and this recipe was a family favorite, especially of my brothers. When making this tonight, I realised how lucky I was in my early years when getting my sea legs in the kitchen - with the choice of a Bosch or Kenwood mixer, baking was so easy and straight forward. No wonder I was a baking addict back then! These days, it is back to old fashioned grass roots - bowl, spoon, elbow grease. The inspiration for tonight's nostalgic recreation is twofold. First, I was flipping through family recipe books, trying to understand some basics such as making a pie (I have NEVER made a pie). Secondly, my husband has always said that he loves Cinnamon Twists, a staple when he was growing up too, so tonight I have made these for him for the first time - on a Friday night, while he is entertaining clients at a soccer match. I hope he is twisting and shouting at tonight's effort when he returns home!

No excuses about rolling up your sleeves and trying this recipe. As I mentioned, I was making this by age ten. It is so straightforward and presents very well. Perfect as an afternoon pick me up, spiked with ice cream or with a nice cup of coffee or tea.

Ingredients & Preparation:

2 1/2 cups plain flour
1 tsp. baking powder
230g (1/2 lb) butter
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1 cup sugar (I actually used 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup demerarra sugar)
4 tsp cinnamon

Mix flour, baking powder and butter together. Add milk and egg, whipped slightly. Divide into 4-5 balls and chill. Mix together sugar and cinnamon in a separate bowl and set aside.

Once the dough has chilled, roll out balls (one at a time) on a clean surface covered with the sugar and cinnamon mixture. As you roll the balls with a rolling pin, continue to sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture on top of the dough. Flip the dough a few times as you are rolling, continuing to coat with the sugar and cinnamon. Once you have a flat and round piece of dough rolled, cut into equal wedges as you would a pizza, approximately 8-10 slices. Roll up the triangles large ends towards small corner. Bake in a greased cookie sheet at 180 degrees Celsius for 12-15 minutes. These will be done when the sugar mixture has caramelised and hardened on the bottom of the baking tray.

These freeze well. They are a great thank you gift when attending a dinner party, and a lot more personal than a bottle of wine! This recipe is also suitable to make with kids.

Bon Appetit!

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1 comment:

Nathaniel Eckstrom said...

I'd love to try these one time. They look and sound amazing!!